No matter if you’re a young professional or well-established in your industry, acquiring a new mentor can take your career to all-new heights.
Mentors can help you hone your professional aptitude, overcome adversity, learn how to navigate office politics, provide career advice and introduce you to the right people. That’s why it’s so important to leverage mentoring to assist in achieving your personal and professional ambitions.
Check out four great ways to ensure you find the right people to connect with for professional guidance throughout your career.
Find an Expert in Entrepreneurship
A mentor is a vital resource for the entrepreneur. Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) provide mentorship opportunities for entrepreneurs in cities across the country. SCORE is another valuable resource for free business mentoring and education. In fact, in 2016 SCORE mentors helped clients start 54,072 businesses. Click here to find a SCORE chapter located in your city or state.
Focus on Quality
When seeking a mentor, it’s imperative to first look for a person you admire both personally and professional, rather than looking for a person based on their position. As a young professional, it’s especially important to find a mentor you trust because their advice can shape your perception toward achieving career goals.
Find a Peer Mentor
Your mentor doesn’t always have to be the seasoned professional. No matter your industry, having peers at the same stage in their career as you helps greatly when you’re looking to switch jobs, make a transition in your career or join a professional organization.
Look for Someone Unlike Yourself
Your mentor doesn’t always have to look just like you. Instead, search for a mentor that resembles the people who dominate your field and takes an active interest in your career.
Do you have a mentor or circle of mentors? If so, how has mentorship benefitted you?
Awesome efforts. Hello to Karen & Dad from San Antonio TX
Thanks so much, Cece!