Fierce Females: An Authentic Look At What It Takes To Make It

Name: Dr. Cheyenne Bryant
Occupation: Life Coach, Author, & Speaker
City: Los Angeles
Superpower: My Mind
I love my job because…
It allows me to heal, educate, and inspire individuals on how to get in contact with their purpose and hearts desires, and how to manifest that into physical form.
My dream is to…
Plant positive fruitful seeds in all the people that I come in contact with so that one day no matter where I am in the world, there will be someone present who can say I made a significant impact on their life.
I made it this far in my career because…
I was just a little girl in the inner city who was determined and tenacious to make it out. It wasn’t what I was running towards that got me this far, it was what I was running from.
My honest thoughts on balancing a love life and career…
There is no such thing as equal contributing to both. What you water, will grow. Both are like plants, you have to pay close attention to what needs to be watered, how often, and how much. Act accordingly.
The last time I felt like giving up on my dreams was…
NEVER! Giving up is not an option and never will be. Has the upward climb been hard; yes. Will it get easier; probably not. That doesn’t give me permission to give up. The same GOD that got me thus far will lead me until all dreams are manifested. There is no negotiation. And so it is!
The last time I cried was…
This morning while praising God for all that I’m grateful for.
I get through my darkest moments by…
Prayer, dialoguing with my circle of wealth (support system), and faith that this too shall pass.
The last time I looked in the mirror for self-reflection & self-evaluation was…
This morning because self-reflection and self-evaluation is a daily process. It should be done constantly. Winners make adjustments, not excuses. 
Self-love is important because…
Everything starts with the self. We can only give what we have and it is important to fill yourself up with what you want to achieve and receive. 
Three things no one knows about me…
I’m sensitive, I do have fears, and things haven’t always been easy for me.
I feel COMPASSION about the pressure women feel nowadays to look “perfect” on social media because it’s unrealistic and the “perfect” they are seeking they already have; SELF.
The best advice I ever received…
Came from my father and grandmother and it was their strength to push through and weather all of life’s storms. This isn’t just advice they verbalized, they actually lead by example.
My future goals are…
To start my online curriculum, acquire the Dr. Bryant show, and expand my brand.

People with good vibes can find me at… (.co NOT .com), @_drbryant (IG & Twitter).
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