There’s not a day that goes by where you don’t see a trendy fitness or wellness routine on your timeline and wonder “How do I fit into this lifestyle?” While this trend can be truly life-changing for some, for others there may be hurdles standing in the way of it.
Women of color have shown many issues in health and wellness over the years due to environmental factors, mistreatment in healthcare, diversity in wellness spaces and more! Access to quality healthcare has become a privilege and it’s hard to express how prioritizing overall wellness has become a true hassle.
It’s such a breath of fresh air to witness women on social media commit to a healthy lifestyle and encourage their surroundings to do the same, despite the adversities. The Prevailing Woman got a chance to chat with Certified Fitness Trainer and Healthy Lifestyle Expert Davida Guthrie on her experience with turning to wellness for an overall better life.

Black women are disproportionately affected by the lack of proper health care and stigmas in our society! How do YOU make wellness “welcoming” for someone who has experienced these types of environmental factors?
Prioritizing wellness is necessary for the mind, body, and spirit. Yet at the same time, it can be difficult to find ample resources to make the jump start. I remember years ago when I realized I needed to make a lifestyle change (I was stress eating, packed on a lot of pounds and was also in a state of fatigue) it took me months to find fitness classes that felt like a good fit and even longer to find an affordable trainer. It takes research and effort to simply find the most suitable health and fitness resources, so I always extend gratitude to my clients for trusting me to be a part of their health and fitness journey. It takes courage and vulnerability to seek help and guidance, so I never take a sign-up or inquiry for granted.
Besides gratitude, I share my own personal health and fitness journey with my clients. Just as important as it is for me to share my truth, it’s imperative for them to understand the driving force behind my work. As a black woman, I’m out here simply trying to become the healthiest version of myself to break generational curse, shatter stigmas (black girls workout too!), and inspire others to do the same. Taking charge of our own health is empowering. As black women it’s necessary for us to prioritize our health and fitness in order to preserve the one body we were gifted with.
Black women are always labeled as strong and resilient but some may fail to set time aside to focus on our own health and wellness. Davida recommended that it is 100% necessary to put our health first! “We only have one body to live in. It’s impossible for us to function at our highest level and effectively pour into our loved ones if we are unhealthy. However, it’s crucial to understand that health and fitness is a journey. Every journey inevitably consists of highs and lows, so patience and grace is required in this journey. If you go through this journey, giving yourself an abundance of grace, be patient and celebrate all of your wins (big and small), health and fitness will be a lifestyle, which leads to consistency and results – the ultimate goal.”
Many women of color learn the importance of wellness later in their lives, making it a hard adjustment to tap into. With social media making wellness a trend, how can someone who wants to transform their life make space for something so foreign to them?
It’s important to remember that everyone’s health and fitness journey won’t look the same because everybody (literally) is different. Here’s some advice for women out here trying to incorporate fitness into your everyday life:
- Physical fitness is movement. Choose exercise that is true to you. If you don’t have fun with it, you’ll eventually fall off the wagon. If you love dancing, start incorporating dancing into your workout schedule. If you dislike running, don’t run, try an alternative like using the stair stepper. Find what works for you because sustainability is key.
- Follow accounts that motivate you. Social media is filled with females with insanely incredible bodies. If that inspires you to workout then continue to follow them. If their posts make you feel bad about your body – unfollow NOW. It’s crucial to make sure mentally you are in a good state, so protect yourself. Expose yourself to content that only inspires and motivates you.
- Set a goal and aim to achieve it starting with small steps. For example, if you currently aren’t working out 4-5 days a week, I suggest setting a goal to workout twice a week (1 weekday and 1 weekend day) and gradually increase the frequency over time.
- Celebrate your wins – big and small! If you have a sweet tooth and didn’t eat candy in the past 3 days, celebrate yourself!
Along with celebrating your wins, remember to affirm yourself! Be your own body goals. Motivate yourself by implementing more positive self talk and have positive affirmations visually available for you to refer to constantly. You have to be your biggest cheerleader, it will help you make health + fitness a true lifestyle. Most importantly, remember – YOU GOT THIS! #Period
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