5 Skincare Hacks for Beauty on a Budget

The reason why the beauty industry is a billion-dollar industry is because people want to look and feel good. But what if you don’t have $13.50 for the best anti-aging serum or $26.00 for skin toner that claims it rejuvenates your skin almost overnight. People who are on a budget want nice skin too.  Check out these 6 beauty hacks that are cost friendly, can last a long time, and don’t have added chemicals.

The cheapest soap bar I have been able to find that doesn’t have the harsh chemicals is 356 Vegetable Glycerin Soap.It is $1.99 and is cruelty free with no artificial colors. The main ingredients are Coconut oil and vegetable glycerin.

To exfoliate those dead skin cells and unclog your pores, try a sugar scrub once a week. One 4lb pack of raw sugar from Walmartcan run about $6.00. At one small scoop once a week, that bag could last almost three months.  Take a tiny drop of olive oil or grapeseed oil, add a teaspoon of raw sugar and gently rub it in small circular motions all over your face.

If you have an occasional breakout, a great home remedy is sea salt water. Buy a medicine dropper and put ½ cup of water and ½ teaspoon of sea saltin a glass mason jar. Cover and let it sit and dissolve for an hour. Take your dropper and apply a few drops on each pimple. Sea salt pulls oil from the skin and is antibacterial.

A small drop of coconut oil applied to the skin after cleansing is perfect for keeping the skin moisturized plus it’s antibacterial and antifungal. You can find a medium sized jar of coconut oilat Wal-Mart for $4.98.

Rosewater smells awesome and gives you the anti-inflammatory benefits of rose petals. This can be used as a daily spray applied after cleansing and moisturizing. Buy a spray bottle form your local dollar store and one single rose. Remove rose petals and rinse under luke warm water. Add petals to a large pot with distilled water (just enough water to cover the tops of the petals) and bring to a low simmer. Allow to boil on low for 20 minutes then drain the rose water into a glass jar to cool. Discard the petals and put your facial toner into your spray bottle.

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